Thank you to all who joined me to start a new year by celebrating Pine, Bay laurel and Rosemary as we shared experiences and recipes.

We spent time in the garden with the plants and talked about the multitude of medicinal benefits they have and how we can incorporate them in our food, drinks and every day life.
We enjoyed herbal teas made with the fresh herbs - Rosemary, Pine and Bay laurel - slices of home-made Life bread, corn bread and parsnip, ginger and turmeric soup (with surprise herbs) and rosemary, mushroom and bean pate.
We made a delicious Winter tonic syrup using honey and herbs as well as Grá balls, a healthy sweet snack (you can even get the children interested to make them).
Everyone got to take home bottles of syrup, herbs to continue experimenting and a recipe booklet.
I am now planning the next workshops that will take place in April and May, so get in touch if you would like to be notified about them - I can only accommodate a maximum ten people.
Or become a member of the Anamcara Healing Herbs Club and receive a bundle of discounts and benefits as you can see here: Anamcara Healing Herbs Club
And thank you to Donegal News for the lovely coverage of the event: