As a herbalist, student of medical herbalism at The Plant Medicine School and member of the Irish Registry of Herbalists, I will launch a series of informal afternoon get-togethers focusing on the importance herbs for our wellbeing and particularly the positive healing energies created by the gentle power of herbal teas.
The get-togethers at Anamcara Healing Herbs Garden will take place in my home with wonderful views over my herbal garden and the Atlantic Ocean and its islands beyond.
There is no fee involved but as I can only host a maximum of six guests, if you are interested, please register in advance to secure a place. By all means, inform a friend or family member.
Our first get-together will be on Sunday, February 5 at which ‘special guests’ will be three herbs: Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus), Myrtle (Myrtus communis) and Eternal flower (Hellychrysum italicum).
When Spring and Summer arrive, we will have the chance to spend more time outdoors in the garden itself and meet some of the 100 interesting herbs growing here.
To register, simply e-mail me your full name, telephone and e-mail contacts and I will send you full information.